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According to an article published by on Feb. 12, 2020, the Earth is literally going greener, despite what is constantly spread to...


Not exactly; but the issue is grossly exaggerated by an openly biased media hungry for "apocalypse" fake news and overcharged with...


Yes, they really do. We already knew that plants do think, in their own ways, but now we also know that trees (probably all plants) also...

Can Planting Billions of Trees Save the Planet?

No doubt it can help - A LOT! It should be MANDATORY for all companies and governments worldwide. The more you plant trees, the less...

Do Plants Think?

We already know that plants have memory and seem to have some form of consciousness. Recently, the Tubingen University, in Denmark, has...

The Social Life of Trees

It's scientifically proven that trees are interactive and communicate among themselves and with other living organisms. They use scent...

Is Senescence Reversible?

The article of 08/13/2016 on The Economist about humans trying to cheat death with stem cells, growing organs from almost nothing and...

GMOs Are Safe!

According to a report recently published by the National Academies of Sciences (see News), the much publicized negative comments...

Are Humans A Pest?

It depends whom you ask to. For many trees, definitely yes, as humans have been devastating forests for thousand of years, since the...

Should Politics and Science Mix?

Probably not. The recent publication of The State of World's Plants, a very interesting report by the Royal Botanic Gardens - KEW brought...

Global Warming = Greener Planet?

We all know that many plants like warmer climates. Just look at the rich and more diversified plants in the tropics. Plants are also very...

Proteins from sunlight?

It is a well-known fact that human skin turns sunlight into Vitamin D. Now, with all the new and outstanding research going on to better...

Sustainability or Else...

From a post on LinkedIn Pulse by Suzy Welch, we recently learned that humankind is currently raising about 65 Billion (!!!) farm animals...

Can Reverse Photosynthesis Be The Answer?

The recent news that Danish scientists have found a way to convert plant's biomass into fuel by applying "reverse photosynthesis" are...

Do Plants Have Memory?

Assuming that the experiments of researchers in Italy and Australia are correct (see News), we may need to assume that memory is an...

Do Trees Have Consciousness?

Considering that "our brains store and manipulate information in patterns of electrical activation" ... and "those patterns are the...

Competition or Cooperation: which one is better?

There is no dilemma here. They are the two sides of the same coin. "Life is innately dialetic. Eukariotic cells evolved as a coalition of...

Is consciousness proof of superiority?

From trees viewpoint, instead of "I think, therefore I exist", it may very well the opposite: "I exist, therefore I think". It seems that...

Human superiority is a delusion.

We-the-plants get our food directly from light and the soil, without killing any other organisms. We have two ways of reproduction:...

We are different, very different. We live on a different reality and a different time scale. We are constantly adapting and evolving. We feel, we know.



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